Already exhibiting?
Increase your ROI, take advantage of London Packaging Week
The MyEasyfairs Platform
Let visitors know of your presence months before the event!
By heading to the MyEasyfairs website, you will be able to upload company information, your products & services, any news and information such as new investments, job adverts, as well as enter the Innovations Gallery!

Can you make more out of your investment?

- Display your company profile online
(description, products, news & jobs) - Apply for inclusion in the Innovations Gallery (1 INNOVATION)
- Invite customers & prospects, easily and efficiently
- Promote your products, paper-free via smartbadge technology (1 READER)
- **Enhance customer engagement: Connect, Interact and Succeed.
1 Innovation + 1 smartbadge reader
- Get details of visitors who touched your reader with their smartbadge
- Capture and qualify leads with ease (UNLIMTED LICENCES)
- Receive real-time SMS alerts when your guests check in.
Unlimited number of Visit Connect licenses

- Display your company profile online (description, products, news & jobs)
- Apply for inclusion in the Innovations Gallery (2 INNOVATIONS)
- Invite customers & prospects, easily and efficiently
- Promote your products, paper-free via smartbadge technology (2 READERS)
- **Enhance customer engagement: Connect, Interact and Succeed.
2 Innovations + 2 smartbadge readers
- Get details of visitors who touched your reader with their smartbadge
- Capture and qualify leads with ease (UNLIMITED LICENCES)
- Receive real-time SMS alerts when your guests check in.
Unlimited number of Visit Connect licenses
- Display your logo on the exhibitor list
- Enhance your company profile with a video header

- Display your company profile online (description, products, news & jobs)
- Apply for inclusion in the Innovations Gallery (2 INNOVATIONS)
- Invite customers & prospects, easily and efficiently
- Promote your products, paper-free via smartbadge
technology (3 READERS) - **Enhance customer engagement: Connect, Interact and Succeed.
2 Innovations + 3 smartbadge readers
- Get details of visitors who touched your reader with their smartbadge
- Capture and qualify leads with ease (UNILIMITED LICENCES)
- Receive real-time SMS alerts when your guests check in.
Unlimited number of Visit Connect licenses
- Display your logo on the exhibitor list
- Enhance your company profile with a video header
- Get increased visibility in the exhibitor list
- Capture immediate attention when visitors register online
- Display your logo or ad in high-traffic areas onsite