Marks & Spencer Replaces Plastic Bags with Paper Alternatives Across All Stores

UK retailer Marks & Spencer (M&S) is taking a significant step in addressing consumer demand for reducing single-use plastics.

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The company is replacing all plastic carrier bags with paper alternatives in its entire store chain. This move aligns with M&S’s commitment to sustainability and follows initiatives like the “Bring Your Own Bag” program, which has already eliminated 75 million pieces of plastic this year.

M&S has been responsive to its customers’ concerns, and reducing single-use plastics is a priority. The company’s dedication to addressing issues that matter to consumers, such as animal welfare and food waste reduction, is well-known. Now, they are taking action on plastic waste due to customer demand.

M&S has a history of environmental initiatives, having introduced carrier bag charges in 2008. They’ve consistently offered sustainable choices to customers, including options like the Yinka Illori tote bag and bags for life made from recycled plastics. The company reports that more than 70% of their customers already bring their own bags or opt not to use one.

In response to rising consumer demand, M&S is expanding the use of paper bags. These Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified bags will replace plastic bags for life. They are robust, water-resistant, and capable of carrying substantial weight, making them a practical choice for shoppers. Importantly, they can be easily recycled in home bins, unlike plastic bags.

M&S collaborated with the University of Sheffield to assess the environmental impact of paper bags versus plastic bags. The assessment highlighted key factors, including responsible sourcing of paper, the use of renewable energy in production, finding alternative uses for collected plastic, and the bag’s reusability. The research emphasized that reusing bags significantly contributes to sustainability, leading M&S to design bags capable of enduring 100 uses.

Marks & Spencer’s transition to paper bags demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and reducing plastic waste. The company is responding to customer expectations while addressing environmental concerns. By offering more sustainable options, M&S aims to make a positive impact and provide customers with eco-friendly choices for their shopping needs.

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