How can we actually invest in our planet?

In their year-round efforts to protect the planet, promote campaigns, and share progress stories, The Know team takes advantage of Earth Day as an opportunity to give the Earth some extra love and attention.

The theme for this year’s Earth Day is “Invest In Our Planet.” This theme aims to urge governments, businesses, and individuals to channel their resources towards creating a better and environmentally-friendly future.


It’s undeniable that governments and corporations bear the primary responsibility for halting climate change. However, individual actions, such as recycling, using alternative transportation, and reducing meat consumption, can also contribute to mitigating the climate crisis. Although individual efforts may appear minimal, they remain essential in creating a more sustainable future.

 So that’s why the know has pulled together five actionable ideas of what investing in the planet might actually look like them. 

Invest wisely in your purchases

The remarkable data-driven capabilities of AI enable brands to collect and analyse vast amounts of information, allowing for sophisticated audience behavior modeling. This empowers retailers, for example, to strategically design their own-brand ranges with tiered pricing, leveraging insights from AI to make informed packaging decisions, shape compelling value propositions, and optimize marketing efforts.

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